Katherine 26th November 2020

My wing man, my go to person throughout our life together. We made an unorthodox team but somehow it worked. You have been a part of my life since I was twenty-three, making my Christmas come early in 1985 with your laughter and larger than life personality. You cut quite a dash, six foot three, very handsome with a very wicked sense of humor and you blew me away. I knew as soon as I met you, in November 1985 at the Goethe-Institut at Canberra University, something momentous had happened. After being introduced to you by our mutual friend Sabine, we all piled into that massive " green dragon" as we called it ,a ford car with benches and headed for the Boot and Flogger, a local pub. We chatted all evening and I remember saying to myself at the time " you are going to have to learn how to speak German Kathy" and I was so up for it. You have always inspired me and invested in me, always thought of the plus's never the negatives. Self-belief and be comfortable in your own skin although the latter is still sometimes evasive. Remember when we met at Sydney Opera house and you carried a red rose to deliver into my shaking hand, I was so overcome at seeing you again after travelling for a while. Remember when we nearly had our time together cut short when we skidded off the road at Kangaroo Valley and the fence didn't stop us. Had the car not halted in the dense bush, we would have gone over one of the most precipitous waterfalls in Oz. Our initial camping trip which became a spectator sport as we discovered how different our approaches were in erecting a tent. Vorsprung durch technik was your bible but you were not deterred by this rebel you chose as your life partner. We lived on different continents and explored languages and cultures together, an enriching and bonding relationship strengthened and blossomed at each turn. I learned so much from you and your words resonate with me now as they do with the boys. We talk about you most days and sometimes take the mickey but you wouldn't have it any other way would you. We love you with every fiber of our beings. I see you in Peter and Thomas every day and sometimes say to them gosh" you sound just like your dad "or "that is so like your father". They will do you proud mein schatz, du brauchst keine angst zu haben.We will keep speaking , I see your face every day, inevitably with a smile on it. What a wonderful partner in life, I will see you the other side when my time comes so keep a place by the window for me. Much love, hugs and kisses to you. Kathyxx